- School Services -
For further information on our School Services, email info@ebbandflobookshop.co.uk

– author visits –
Through our links with publishers, we bring authors into schools. If your staff are enthusiastic about hosting an author visit, and can offer a warm welcome, please contact the bookshop and join our list.
We can also provide a pop-up bookshop for author visits arranged by the school.

– a year of excellent books –
A Year of Excellent Books is our book subscription package of a gift-wrapped book each month, for year groups or key stages. Choose from fiction or non fiction packages.
Our popular scheme promotes current, quality children’s books and builds excitement around books.

– book orders –
If you’re looking to replenish or update classroom or library books, or to buy end of year gifts, vouchers & prizes, we can advise you on newly published & age-related books available. We supply Topic Boxes to fit your budget. You can buy books on account – we’re registered suppliers to LCC & Bolton Council and are happy to work with other local authorities.

– get in touch –
We operate a school discount scheme.
Local delivery is free and as quick as we can make it, or we can arrange collection from the bookshop.
Get in touch
In-shop events are back!
- follow us on social media to keep up-to-date with all our events -